I jumped in just a couple of times to take photos between the photographer's shoots so I didn't take many sorry! I can't do what Lee did!
SMS Dance Team Booster Club
Sunday, August 18, 2013
2013-14 Signups
Youth Dance Clinic
Chair—Kim Feathers
Need shadow (Junior or Sophomore Mom preferably) Rebecca S
Other Jobs-Most involve being a liason (communicating with Pace girls and how they can help, communications with South area schools with newsletters, etc…) helping with photographing and videoing, helping design a poster?? I’ve broken up the jobs so there is not too much work involved. You can pair up later on depending on the job. I’ll do more signups later on for help with registration etc…
I need a crew now because we need to get going.
Meghan G, Ann B, Pyper S, Sandy R (food/$$), Penny M (t-shirt sorting and other), Jenny S (bows, creative, artsy stuff)
Competitions --get a couple of helpers to help with door décor, snacks and drinks (you can depend on the rest of us agreeing to help provide food etc…) Maybe a Pace Mom for the Pace competition and a Southlander Mom for the one Southlanders go to. Ann B, Meghan G., Pyper S.---Southlanders do one of the competitions so they will be a big help.
Dance Marathon chair —Alex runs this, not Booster Club. Our role is to help Alex. You will form a committee to provide food, help with food sales, monitor prize table, take tickets Jenny S, Ronna (prize table), Jenny—also t-shirts to sell (to benefit Booster) glow sticks/bracelets etc.. to sell –you will need to get with Alex to do see what to do. Any takers on the food organization? We need to get food donations—I don’t know who did this last year, and I don’t know what was done so I really don’t want to take this on. We’ll definitely need help with that organizing that.
Liaison for concession stand with Dr. Johnson/Alex (I’m not sure who else) Get parents to help Kelly
Pancake Breakfast Chair --You’ll have lots of helpers. Ask Jenny! Linda A
Extravavanza Chair --Alex runs this—not Booster Club. Our role is to help Alex with extra jobs like creating comemorative program, poster design for girls’ photos (Kim will help!), decorations for display case, food signups for dress rehearsal days
Nobody yet—we can just break this up into jobs later on. Southlander Moms can help with this one.
Banquet Chair –you will have lots of help. You will be the liaison the custodians for location and furniture set up, decorations, video…
Meghan G, Pyper S, Ann B
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Important Dates from Coach's Email August 8, 2013
Good morning!
Get out your calendars! Here are some important dates for the fall.
Tuesday, August 12- Seniors perform at freshmen first day (in auditorium) Seniors arrive at 1:30, performance at 2:00. Not required for underclassmen, but it sure would be nice to have you there supporting the seniors! :)
Tuesday, August 12- Team performance at IWMS ice cream social. Arrive at 6:15 dressed in Friday, hair in pony tail with bow, natural makeup. We will perform around 6:30 with the band. Will only last about 10-15 minutes. We may ask you to stay and pass out save the dates for our clinic.
Friday, August 16- 4:00 PM- team pictures. Please wear sparklie with tights and tan jazz shoes. Hair down, natural makeup
Friday, September 6- First home football game (arrive at all football games at 6:00)
Friday, September 20- Home football game
Saturday, September 28- Overland Park Parade (morning... approx 9 AM- noon)
Tuesday, October 1- SM Marching Festival (begins at 7:00 PM)
Friday, October 4- Homecoming assembly AND Homecoming football game. Parents- we have been given this day to work the concession stands. This is FABULOUS, because not only is it the Homecoming game, we also play SME! This should be a huge fundraiser. Please mark your calendars!
Tuesday, October 8- Rainout date for SM Marching Festival
Saturday, October 12- KU Marching festival (times TBA- plan on the whole day)
Thursday, October 17- Home football game
Saturday, October 19- Warrensburg marching festival (times TBA- plan on the whole day)
Thursday, October 31- Home football game
Friday, November 15- Dance Marathon (parent help will be needed!)
Saturday, November 16- Dance Clinic (parent help will be needed!)
Friday, December 6- Winter Pep Assembly
***Senior photos being taken before the green and gold scrimmage on Aug. 29 from 3:30 to 5:30.
***Senior photos being taken before the green and gold scrimmage on Aug. 29 from 3:30 to 5:30.
There must be an assembly I'm missing (probably beginning of September before the first football game).
As you can see, we have a very full schedule! Be sure to mark your calendars now, ask off work, plan accordingly!
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
August Meeting
We will have our 1st Booster meeting on August 15th at 6:00 PM in the library
(unless you hear otherwise) If you can't make it we will take notes and email
them to you and/or publish to this site.
Things we'll talk about:
Things we'll talk about:
wear and car decals
Combining Pace and Southlander Booster
Timeline for the year
ups for events this year (**see Dance Clinic note
Pacesetter Blog site---I’ve updated it a little and plan to
do more soon: www.smspacesetters.blogspot.com
I collected $14.00 for the
girls’ NDA Camp shirts from:
Megan G., Ronna D., Jenny S.,
Penny M., Tara G., Kelly O’B
Youth Dance Clinic is Booster’s big fundraiser (Nov 16 this year.) We’re
getting it down to a science! It’s lots of fun and really successful but a lot
of work. We brought in just shy of $3,000 last year. My hope for this year is
to find a Sophomore parent to work with me as chair of this event in hopes of
making it all go smoother for those of you who will have Juniors and Seniors
next year and will hopefully continue the tradition! I was really glad to have
shadowed Kathy Busch a couple of years ago because there is much to do and I
learned a lot. Please consider working with me. I delegate many of the tasks,
so don’t worry about being too busy! Kim
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