Good morning!
Get out your calendars! Here are some important dates for the fall.
Tuesday, August 12- Seniors perform at freshmen first day (in auditorium) Seniors arrive at 1:30, performance at 2:00. Not required for underclassmen, but it sure would be nice to have you there supporting the seniors! :)
Tuesday, August 12- Team performance at IWMS ice cream social. Arrive at 6:15 dressed in Friday, hair in pony tail with bow, natural makeup. We will perform around 6:30 with the band. Will only last about 10-15 minutes. We may ask you to stay and pass out save the dates for our clinic.
Friday, August 16- 4:00 PM- team pictures. Please wear sparklie with tights and tan jazz shoes. Hair down, natural makeup
Friday, September 6- First home football game (arrive at all football games at 6:00)
Friday, September 20- Home football game
Saturday, September 28- Overland Park Parade (morning... approx 9 AM- noon)
Tuesday, October 1- SM Marching Festival (begins at 7:00 PM)
Friday, October 4- Homecoming assembly AND Homecoming football game. Parents- we have been given this day to work the concession stands. This is FABULOUS, because not only is it the Homecoming game, we also play SME! This should be a huge fundraiser. Please mark your calendars!
Tuesday, October 8- Rainout date for SM Marching Festival
Saturday, October 12- KU Marching festival (times TBA- plan on the whole day)
Thursday, October 17- Home football game
Saturday, October 19- Warrensburg marching festival (times TBA- plan on the whole day)
Thursday, October 31- Home football game
Friday, November 15- Dance Marathon (parent help will be needed!)
Saturday, November 16- Dance Clinic (parent help will be needed!)
Friday, December 6- Winter Pep Assembly
***Senior photos being taken before the green and gold scrimmage on Aug. 29 from 3:30 to 5:30.
***Senior photos being taken before the green and gold scrimmage on Aug. 29 from 3:30 to 5:30.
There must be an assembly I'm missing (probably beginning of September before the first football game).
As you can see, we have a very full schedule! Be sure to mark your calendars now, ask off work, plan accordingly!
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